March 14, 2013

Office News

Acting on behalf of Telereal Trillium FHP property consultants have secured the sale of the 21,000ft² office and former Job Centre on David Lane in Basford.

Prior to FHP’s involvement the offices had been on the market in excess of 18 months but following the instruction of FHP the offices were under offer within 4 months.

James Hartley, Associate Director at FHP, commented:

“When we were first asked to look at the property it excited us.  Okay it is not in a fantastic location but it did sit in a prominent position within Basford on a busy road and had its own tram stop.  Rather than let the enquiries come to us we explored numerous different avenues and different uses from retail to residential any conversion really that could benefit from the positioning.  This involved all the agency departments within FHP from the FHP Living residential team through to retail and development.

It was while we were going through our old requirements that we came across the eventual purchaser.  They had an office owner occupier enquiry in the market dating back 6 months and we knew they had not found themselves a home as yet and once we approached them about the property it seemed to be an ideal fit.”

The deal itself took a long time to complete due to a number of differing factors but to achieve a sale of what on the face of it looked to be a difficult building is hugely satisfying particularly when you look back at the team work within FHP and the fact that putting in the research and hard work upfront resulted in gaining interest so quickly.

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