Jennifer Cooper

Management Accounts


Having worked in finance for most of my working career, with the past 7 years at FHP, I can honestly say I enjoy it as much now as I did when I first started. Each day is different which keeps it interesting. I have most recently branched out to join the FHP Accounting team alongside my usual role. I relish opportunities to further my learning and understanding of finance.  

Current Role

  • Liaising directly with our commercial clients
  • Providing monthly or quarterly management reports
  • Reporting to external accountants and HMRC
  • Connecting with tenants, to resolve any issues they may have in relation to their tenancy accounts


If I’m not ferrying around my two girls, taking them to every activity possible, you’ll find me off roading in the woods where I find peace and me time. Country walks are also a big joy of ours, especially mud walks – the more rain the better. My clubbing days are firmly behind me (for a good few years now), having been replaced with family and friend dinners sharing a few cocktails or a bottle of wine.

Home improvements are a constant conversational piece at ours – I have big plans!

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